The Making of Kubo

The art took inspiration from such Japanese mediums as ink wash painting and origami among others. A particular influence came from the ukiyo-e wood block style, with Laika intending to make the entire film “to look and feel as if it’s a moving woodblock print” Assistance came from 3D printing firm, Stratasys who allowed Laika to use their newest technogies in exchange for feedback on them.

For the Skeleton monster the team created a giant 16 foot, 400 pound puppet, which Laika claims is the record holder for largest stop motion puppet. The idea to make such a massive puppet was born out of a fear that individual smaller parts (meant to represent the larger monster) would not work well on screen interacting with the other puppets. The resulting puppet was built in two parts which were then attached together by magnets. For movement Laika had to design a robot to easily manipulate it. The team at one point purchased an industrial robot off of eBay but found that it would not work with their setup.

PEGI Ratings

Bad Language
Bad Language
Online Game
Age ratings are systems used to ensure that entertainment content, such as films, videos, DVDs, and computer games, are clearly labelled by age according to the content they contain. Age ratings provide guidance to consumers (particularly parents) to help them decide whether or not to buy a particular product.
A game can be rated 3, 7, 12, 16, 18. The rating on a game confirms that it is suitable for players over a certain age. Accordingly, a PEGI 7 game is only suitable for those aged seven and above and an PEGI 18 game is only suitable for adults aged eighteen and above. The PEGI rating considers the age suitability of a game, not the level of difficulty.

Stop Motion Evaluation

What influenced what the fact that  enjoy drinking water and thought that it would be a fun to animate a cup of water. I think when I started the animation the idea was very simple is the way there wasn’t many frames and scenes that I had to shoot. So i expanded the idea. I think the overall design is okay for the time I did it in but i would create more frames. I am happy with the materials used in the animation. I think I would have been better if overall i used Clay characters rather than pens. I think the colour scheme was okay however it was mostly white due to the fact that water doesn’t have a colour and the cup i used was also clear. I think i didn’t send enough time on it due to the shakiness of the first part of the animation. I would have spent long on it if i had time. During the half term ill make a better one with less shaking. I think that only thing that would make my animation better would be that the shaking at the start is lessened or removed due to the fact that it can be annoying to watch and takes away concentration on whats happening in the actual few seconds it happens. People think that my animation is good but could be improved by removing the shake (above).

Stop Animation Research

Stop motion animation (also called stop frame animation) is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical objects that are moved between frames. When you play back the sequence of images rapidly, it creates the illusion of movement.

Clay animation or claymation is one of many forms of stop motion animation. Each animated piece, either character or background, is “deformable”—made of a malleable substance, usually Plasticine clay.

Pixilation (from pixilated) is a stop motion technique where live actors are used as a frame-by-frame subject in an animated film, by repeatedly posing while one or more frame is taken and changing pose slightly before the next frame or frames. The actor becomes a kind of living stop motion puppet.

Treatment of Stop Motion Animation

Animation Name: F for Full

Genre: Animation

Duration: 5 Seconds

Target Audience: 16-7 Year Olds


During my animation 2 things will happen. Tiny little plastic circles will create the Letter F. Then I will take them and throw them into a cup of water that will be full of Water. Then the Word FULL will appear (Float upwards into shot) at the bottom of the screen. Each shot will take up 1 letter of the word full. Most of the animation will be based on the F as it is mainly what the whole animation is focused on. The other half will be about me pouring the plastic pieces into the water filled cup. The background will be pure white because of the clean look at I like.

My animation is going to have pretty good lighting due to the fact that Ill use a little light the light to light up the set. My Animation is only going to have a small amount of audio which will be water propping into a cup. Which is what my animation is about. I will use my iPhone to record my animation.

Rationale – Why have you chosen this idea and why will it make a good project? What current skills do you have and what will you need to learn in order to achieve your idea? Its a simple idea and easy to make


Primary and Secondary Research – What research have you undertaken to back up your idea. Have you undertaken research yourself (questionnaires, testing etc.) or sourced information elsewhere.


Requirements and resources – What equipment will you need and what equipment will you need to source?


Constraints and Contingency – What problems are you likely to encounter and how will they be overcome.


Legal and ethical considerations – Are there any legal or ethical considerations you might need to be aware of and is your product being shown on television, film or radio?


Budget – If this were a live brief, what would be some of the potential costs that you would need to be aware of?


Schedule – How long do you think it will take to complete the project? What time have you allowed for potential problems?